Next Gen Forum community rules

Here are the rules for the ALIVE Next Gen Forum to ensure that everyone feels welcome and set up for success. If you see these rules being broken, please remind others of them. In case of abuse, please get in touch with us.

  • Be nice to each other! We are all here to learn and help each other out. People may have different levels or experience – so please be kind and respect others.
  • Try to stay on-topic. If what you’re adding differs from the original post/thread – feel free to open up a new post and talk about it there!
  • Comments should be helpful and informative, not negative and hurtful of anyone’s questions or ideas
  • Abuse will not be tolerated. This includes: personal attacks, hate speech, negative comments or slurs against race, sexual orientation or gender, or threats to a user’s safety.
  • Sharing personal or sensitive information about other users will not be tolerated.
  • Spamming of threads or posts will not be tolerated.
  • We reserve the right to remove content that violates the ALIVE Terms and Conditions.
  • To keep forum discussions on topic and share the best advice, we reserve the right to remove posts.

Posts may be deleted or closed if they break any of the above rules.

Forum posts will be removed if:

  • they contain offensive or harmful material
  • they contain personal or sensitive information about users
  • they violate any copyrights or licenses.
  • Posting offensive/harmful material or spam content will result in the removal of the user account

Getting started with the ALIVE Next Gen Forum

What is this forum for?
The Next Gen Forum is an online discussion where registered members can post questions, ideas, and have conversations within posts and threads. We hope that the Forum will be a helpful tool for setting our researchers up for success!

How do I register or Log in?
You can click the ‘LogIn / Register’ link in the top right corner. If you need to register, you can click the ‘Register’ button and provide details. If you have already registered you can simply enter your Email and Password in the fields.

What if I forget my login or password?
If you forget your login and/or password, you can click the ‘Forgot my password’ link below the Login’ button. You will then need to enter your email address and we’ll send you an email with instructions.

Do I need to register to use the forum?
You will need to register in order to take full advantage of the Community Forum. Registering will allow you to post and reply to messages, vote on posts, and receive emails when someone replies to you.
If you do not register, you can only browse, search for information, and read posts. You will not be allowed to respond or vote on posts/threads.

Using the Next Gen Forum

How do I post a message?
You can click the ‘New Post’ button which can be found on the Next Gen Forum homepage, within a topic page, or a post page.

How do I reply to a message?
In order to reply to a post, you can scroll down to the bottom of the post where you will find the ‘Comments’ section with a text box below where you can type in your response and then click the ‘Submit’ button.

How can I vote on a post?
You can ‘vote’ on a post by clicking the ‘up’ or ‘down’ arrows on the right-hand side of the original post. Click the ‘up’ arrow to vote ‘yes’ and the ‘down’ arrow to vote ‘no’. In general, vote ‘yes’ if you think something is helpful or contributes to the conversation. Vote ‘no’ if you don’t think it contributes or is off-topic.

Admin/Contact Info

What if I need to get in touch with The Alive National Centre?
If you need to get in touch with us directly, you can reach us through our contact form. Please note that it generally takes us 24-28 hours to respond Monday to Friday, excluding holidays.

Does ALIVE moderate the forum?
Yes! The ALIVE Team will be moderating the forum to ensure that your feedback is being received and that the community space is providing the value and opportunity we know it can.

How do I report abuse?
If you need to report abuse, please feel free to send an email to us here. We appreciate your help!

— Next Gen Forum

Our next generation mental health researchers want to be thought leaders and innovators who push boundaries, and who create mechanisms for lived-experience to connect with research, translation and practice. They want to change services and practice for the better.

Register Now

The ALIVE Next Gen Researchers Network Forum is a supportive, safe and anonymous space.

We ask you to read the following before posting to the forum:

Getting started

The Next Gen Forum is an online discussion where registered members can post questions, ideas, and have conversations within posts and threads. We’re hoping that the Forum will be another helpful tool for setting up researchers for success!

Community Principles of Engagement

Here are the principles for the ALIVE Next Gen Forum to ensure that everyone feels welcome and safe. If you see these principles are not being honoured, please remind others of them. In case of abuse, please get in touch with us.

Forum FAQs

Here are FAQs for the forum covering setting up or suggesting a forum topic. Any questions, please get in touch with us.

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